Archive – News & Press releases
March 2019
„Nah am Mitglied und Marktpartner“-Konzept greift
Frankfurt/Paderborn, ARGE-PR – „Das Top-Thema der ARGE lautet weiterhin‚ Datenqualitätsmanagement im Full Service‘ und das sowohl für unsere Mitglieder als auch für die Marktpartner.“ Mit diesem Satz beschrieb Konrad Werning anlässlich der „ISH 2019“ ein zentrales Strategieelement der ARGE Neue Medien und sieht diese damit dauerhaft auf gutem Weg. Wie der Geschäftsführer der branchengrößten Industrieorganisation …
February 2019
Frischer Look für die ARGE
Paderborn, ARGE-PR – Nach der strategischen Neuaufstellung verpasst sich die ARGE jetzt auch einen adäquaten optischen Markenauftritt. „Mit dem neuen starken Logo, einem modernen Coporate Design sowie dem Update der Homepage haben wir unser Gesicht zeitgemäß verändert und präsentieren uns in einem frischen, selbstbewussten Look“, erläutert Geschäftsführer Konrad Werning.
October 2018
Keep your eye on the BIM ball in the medium term
If you ask experts, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is about to revolutionize the entire building industry. This means that also the HVAC segment ought to prepare for the changes in the way buildings and their technological equipment are planned and built. Therefore, the motto for all industry stakeholders is to keep your eye on the BIM ball in the medium term.
September 2018
Data quality is no coincidence
Successful data quality management is not limited to the implementation of new columns or the definition of codes. On the contrary: it plays an active part in the future-oriented alignment of the HVAC industry. For applications to run smoothly, data need to be correct at all times. At the same time, the volume to be processed is growing, and the frequency of updates is increasing. The consequence: The next Data Quality Guideline is already waiting in the wings.
August 2018
Data distribution: Central data hubs remain in demand
Organizations that distribute their product data digitally via central, standardized channels, secure themselves a place in the market at the forefront, among the winners. Especially because partners and customers do not only benefit from the independent availability but also from the reliable harmonization of the contents.
The future still belongs to smart digital industry platforms, as they have proven to be an essential contribution to the value creation of entire areas of business.
July 2018
ARGE Annual General Meeting: Efficient committee work is important and will be even more important in the future
Not much time to catch one’s breath and plenty to do in the Working Groups: After the extraordinary general meeting at the end of last year, the regular AGM of the ARGE Neue Medien was held on 5 June 2018. The event in Düsseldorf was attended by 109 participants from 71 companies.
The Board and the Management reported on the performance in the previous financial year; another item on the agenda was an outlook on current and upcoming activities and projects.
June 2018
Fit for the future: ARGE members are adapting their product data to ETIM and BIM
Effective professional master data management is a decisive factor in corporate success – also in the HVAC industry. A good classification in accordance with ETIM plays an important role in this context. It serves to process and structure product data digitally in a standardized way. Duplicates are cleansed, and articles are described practically consistently.